电 话:0312-4225949 手 机:15003122391 邮 箱 地 址:河北省保定市曲阳县恒州镇 底商8号 扫描查看手机版网站 |
曲阳县铭鼎雕塑有限公司 网站开通![]() 曲阳县铭鼎雕塑有限公司座落于有两千年雕刻历史、闻名世界的雕刻之乡——中国曲阳。曲阳雕刻源远流长,层出不穷的雕刻艺人,用钢钎铁锤传承了生生不息的雕刻艺术,创造了雕刻文化的辉煌。 曲阳县铭鼎雕塑有限公司具有规划设计能力、模型制作能力、加工生产能力,工程施工能力,集设计、制作、销售、安装维护于一体,技术力量雄厚,有现代化生产车间和设备,有专业的销售网络和进出口贸易操作人员。建厂以来,规模逐渐扩大,业务不断拓展,现占地面积12000平方米,拥有现在代生产加工车间,设备选进,环境优越。 有大型泥塑设计室 ,高级雕塑设计师 5人,模型师30人,雕刻工艺师80人。经营范围包括:石雕,铸铜雕塑,不锈钢雕塑,玻璃钢及铸铁金属雕塑等;设计、生产各种大中小型城市雕塑、园林雕塑、抽象雕塑、建筑雕塑、宗教雕塑、人物、动物、佛像等红、黄、青铜工艺品的铸造装饰及园林等。我公司产品主要出口到欧美发达国家及中东国家。 我们以精取胜,愿以良好的市场信誉,高尚的企业形象和各界消费者共同打造美好的明天! 倚山新唱凌云曲,借势再谱大潮歌。 Mingding sculptureCo., Ltd. is located in two thousand years of the history of the sculpture, thehome of the sculpture, the world famous -- China Quyang. Quyang carving has along history, endless carving artists, with a hammer drill rod heritage of theendless carving art, created a brilliant carving culture. Our company hasthe ability of planning and design, production capacity model, processingcapacity, construction capacity, set design, production, sales, installationand maintenance in one, strong technical force, has a modern production plantand equipment, professional sales network and import and export trade operator.Since its establishment, gradually expand the scale, expanding business, nowcovers an area of 12000 square meters, now has production and processingworkshop, equipment selection, the environment is superior. A large claysculpture designer senior design studio, 5 models, clay model sculptor 30person, carving master 80 person. Business scope: stone carving, bronzesculpture, stainless steel sculpture, fiberglass and cast iron sculpture;design, production of various small and medium-sized city sculpture, gardensculpture, sculpture, architectural sculpture, religious sculpture, animalfigures, statues and other red, yellow, green copper casting crafts decorationand gardening and so on. Our company The products are mainly exported to Europeand the developed countries and the Middle East countries. We take fine win, totake a good market reputation, good corporate image and consumers from allwalks of life to create a better tomorrow! Forest HillLingyun new song to sing, a song to tide. Ding Mingsculpture, in the tide of a new round of development of commitment to challengethe limits of art, creating sculpture designer, to create a sculptureenterprises that dominate the sculpture Ivan! The hole, mycompany to the fine win, to take a good market reputation, good corporate imageand consumers from all walks of life to create a better tomorrow! Forest HillLingyun new song to sing, a song to tide. Mingding sculpturein the new round of development tide is committed to challenging artisticlimits, creating sculpture designer to create a sculpture famous enterprises insculpture Ivan dominate the green sparrow, black etc. more varieties, ourcompany has various kinds of stone carvings, statues and birds and animals atall times and in all countries, fish, flowers, various characters, animal,building the decorations, we can also offer the stone plate production for you,landscape architecture design, the rockery production, production of culturalrelics repair service. Size of each product provided by our company arecarefully selected materials, fine carved are completed by hand. The productsare sold to the marble kingdom of Italy, as well as Britain, US, Japan, SouthKorea Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, more than 50 countries andregions, favored by customers!